
Norman Goldberg

Norman Goldberg was the founder and Chairman of the Board of Magna Music Baton, founded in 1964. Magna Music Baton, later known by the acronym MMB, was a life-line to all practising music therapists in the US and throughout the world, as it carried almost all publications on music therapy at that time as well as the Orff instruments under the brand “Studio 49”  ... continue reading >>


Rosalie Pratt

Dr. Rosalie Rebollo Pratt was born in New York City.  She was educated in the United States and Italy, and received her PhD from Columbia University, New York, N.Y. in 1976.  Dr. Pratt went on to work in higher education as a Professor of Music at Montclair State College for 6 years, and then at Brigham Young University for 20 years. While at BYU she developed a research based, interdisciplinary masters degree - Masters of Arts in Music Education with an Emphasis on Music as it affects the Human Life Process ... continue reading >>


Roland Droh

Dr. med. Roland Droh (ex officio), founding president of ISMM, former Director Department of Anaesthesiology at Sportkrankenhaus Hellersen Luedenscheid. Roland Droh initiated the first International Symposium on Anxiety, Pain and Music hold in Luedenscheid, Germany, December 3 – 4 1982. Members of the distinguished international faculty of this first meeting on  music in  medicine became founding members of ISMM.